Our Vision is to be pre-eminent institute of higher-learning through our research-driven edu-system that develops insightful and future leaders who get right things done for India and the world in the 21st century.
Saraswati Group of Educational Institutes, established in the year 1996, is a reputed and professional educational group having a Medical Collage with 650 bed hospital, a Dental Collage with 120 bed hospital, a Nursing Collage and Aviation Academy to train pilots. The group has about 1500 enrolled students and over 3500 alumni.
At Saraswati , we make our students career-ready, dedicated and responsible professionals. Students learn through realistic simulated situations that make them competent and experienced to match up to industry standards. At saraswati, we impart education and share knowledge.
Hastinapur has its own historical charm. History reveals that it was established by Chakravarti Samrat Bharat. Incidently, our country Bharat draws its name from him.This was the very place where the mighty KAURAVS and PANDAVS ruled for an eternally long period. Hastinapur is also famous as an important Jain Pilgrimage center. The lush green forests in the region provide shelter to a privileged Biodiversity. The government of India has already established a Wildlife Sanctuary in Hastinapur, where thousands of migratory birds come every year. WWF has also started a few projects on crocodiles over here.
The first ever structured Educational GURUKUL of the world was established by GURU Dronacharya at Hastinapur arguably around 5000 b.c. the pious ambience of the place and the zeal to produce great personalities like Lord KRISHNA, BHISHMA PITAHMAH,YUDHISTER, ARJUN and EKLAVYA again was the basic hypothesis which has inspired the formalities of the SVS Educational Park by the mercurial Chairman of the society.